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Duck Rice – Portuguese way

Duck Rice - Portuguese way 3

Duck Rice Recipe – the Portuguese way

A delight for a tasty lunch or dinner. This Portuguese-styled duck rice recipe is a regular on the table of Portuguese people who enjoy good gastronomy. Recipe for 4 people.


  1. 1/2 duck
  2. 400g of rice
  3. 2 onions
  4. garlic cloves
  5. 2 peeled medium tomatoes
  6. 1 chorizo
  7. 1/2 of 1 lemon juice
  8. 1dl of white wine
  9. q.s. olive oil
  10. q.s. salt
  11. q.s. piri-piri
  12. q.s. parsley


  1. Boil the duck in water
  2. Remove the duck and set the boiling water aside
  3. In a pan put the olive oil and bring to the heat
  4. Add the rice and let it cook
  5. Add 800ml of water from duck cooking water
  6. Season with salt
  7. Let the rice simmer until it is dry
  8. In parallel, remove the meat from the duck bones
  9. In a pan chop the onion, the garlic and drizzle with olive oil, let it sauté
  10. Add the pealed tomatoes and stir. Let it sauté some a bit more
  11. Add the white wine and the lemon juice
  12. Add the duck meat and let it cook for a little while
  13. Season with salt and piri-piri
  14. In a baking pan put a first layer of rice
  15. Add a layer of braised duck
  16. Finish with a layer of rice
  17. On top, arrange with sliced chorizo
  18. Take the baking pan to the oven for 10-15 minutes
  19. Remove from the oven and garnish with parsley

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Portuguese Duck Rice
Tasty rice
Yammi, tasty, I want more!
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